Led by Linda Lysakowski,
Are your fundraising volunteers being put to effective
and efficient use? Do they contribute to all aspects
of your development program?
Learn to implement the various roles volunteers can play that will
increase the results of your fundraising efforts.
Fundraising volunteers can do more than answer
the phone, stuff envelopes, and help deliver services.
A well-trained efficient cadre
of volunteers is the envy of every nonprofit that doesn't
have that asset.
This seminar will
discuss: where to find fundraising volunteers, how to
recruit them and how to keep them involved and energized by offering
them orientation, support, education and recognition.
Who Should Attend: Executive Directors, Development
Directors, Development Staff, Board Members and Volunteers -- anyone
who works with fundraising volunteers or helps set policies for
their work in your agency.
You Will Learn To:
- List ways to effectively use volunteers in all aspects of fundraising
- Develop position descriptions for volunteer fundraisers
- Develop a recruitment plan for fundraising volunteers
- Develop an orientation and education program for fundraising
- List the staff support necessary for fundraising volunteers
Session Outline:
The Role of Volunteers in Fundraising
- Planning
- The annual fund
- Capital campaigns
- Planned Giving
- The Role of the Board
- Recruiting Fundraising Volunteers
- Defining Roles
- Position Descriptions
- Where to find volunteers
- Making the “ask”
- Keeping Fundraising Volunteers Involved & Energized
- Volunteer Orientation
- Staff Support
- Volunteer Education
- Volunteer Recognition
"Loved hearing about the businessperson teams for corporate
fundraising because it made me think of applications for my membership
Sundra Flansburg
World Neighbors
"The wide scope of topics covered with regard to the utilization
of volunteers [was very positive] -- I appreciated touching on
so many areas and applications."
Michelle Redding
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of St. Cloud, MN
"[The seminar] helped to identify areas that we need to build
on to effectively use our volunteers. Building the plan is the
next step."
Lysakowski, ACFRE
is one of fewer than 100 people worldwide to hold the Advanced
Certified Fundraising Executive designation. She is the author
of Recruiting
and Training Fundraising Volunteers. The President and CEO
of Capital
Venture, she was named Eastern Pennsylvania’s “Outstanding
Fundraising Executive of the Year” in 2001, Linda received
this same honor from the Las Vegas Chapter in 2004. In April 2006
she received the Barbara Marion Award for Outstanding Service to
AFP. A magna cum laude graduate of Alvernia College, Linda is also
a graduate of AFP’s Faculty Training Academy.
A featured speaker nationwide, Linda has trained more than 10,000
professionals and volunteers in areas of fundraising and philanthropy.
Linda's newest book is, The Development Plan (Wiley & Sons, 2007).
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